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December 3, 2019
100 Immigrants Become Canadian Citizens at Ceremony

On November 29, 2019, 100 immigrants from 35 countries took the oath to become Canadian[…]

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October 7, 2019
Reasons Why More Canadian Immigration Is Needed

There are several reasons why more Canadian immigration is needed. The life expectancy….

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August 29, 2019
Immigrants from Mexico Become Canadian Citizens

At a Canadian citizenship ceremony held on August 15, 2019, in Edmonton, Alberta, 53 immigrants […]

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August 12, 2019
Cities with the Best Standard of Living in Canada

Where should I live in Canada? That is a question that many immigrants ask and[…]

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June 20, 2019
Half-Million Canadian Job Vacancies Reported

In June 2019, Statistics Canada published its Job Vacancy and Wage Survey which reported […]

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May 5, 2019
Canadian Immigration Important to Keep Economy Growing

On May 3, 2019, the Conference Board of Canada reported that Canadian immigration is important…

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January 3, 2019
Rising Number of Immigrants Working in Canada

The number of immigrants with jobs in Canada continues to rise as foreign-born workers make[…]

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December 10, 2018
Canadian Employment Reaches Highest Level in 40 Years

The percentage of people working in Canada reached its highest rate since 1976, according to[…]

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November 1, 2018
More Canadian Visas Planned for 2019

Canada plans to increase the number of Canadian visas granted to new permanent residents during[…]

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October 17, 2018
Salaries for Top Jobs in Canada

In September 2018, a report was published which evaluates the top 100 jobs in Canada[…]

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